The following awards are presented annually:
Deputy of the Year
First presented in 1977, this award recognizes one deputy sheriff each year for an act of exceptional valor and heroism, above and beyond the normal call of duty, in the previous calendar year.
The 2021 Deputy of the Year Award was presented to Broome County Dep. Emily Zielewicz at an awards ceremony in Albany. She is picture here with Chenango County Sheriff, and chairman of the NYS Sheriffs’ Association executive committee, Ernest Cutting (left) and longtime Broome County Sheriff David Harder (right).

The Carl Draxler Award
First presented in 1982, this award recognizes one sheriff’s office employee each year for exceptional achievement over the course of their career, demonstrated by conscientious devotion to duty and a spirit of selfless public service. The award is named for the late Chemung County Sheriff Carl Draxler, who personified these qualities.
Civil Officer of the Year
First presented in 1993, this award recognizes a civil deputy who has exhibited exceptional dedication and leadership over the course of their career to civil law enforcement either in their own county or statewide through involvement in training and accreditation programs.
Correction Officer of the Year
First presented in 1995, this award recognizes a correction officer or deputy sheriff for an act of extraordinary valor and heroism, above and beyond the normal call of duty, during the previous calendar year, or for demonstrating exceptional dedication and leadership over the course of their career.
Court Officer of the Year
First presented in 1997, this award recognizes a sheriff’s court security officer for demonstrating exceptional dedication and leadership over the course of their career or for an act of exceptional valor and heroism, above and beyond the normal call of duty, in the previous calendar year.
The Carl Draxler Award
First presented in 1982, this award recognizes one sheriff’s office employee each year for exceptional achievement over the course of their career, demonstrated by conscientious devotion to duty and a spirit of selfless public service. The award is named for the late Chemung County Sheriff Carl Draxler, who personified these qualities.
Innovative Program Award
First presented in 2011, this award recognizes a sheriff’s office for developing and implementing an outstanding specialized program that benefits their community and has potential to be implemented by sheriffs around the state. Examples include programs that address domestic violence, crime prevention, at-risk youth, the need of seniors, or initiatives that save tax dollars.
Vine Coordinator of the Year
First presented in 2005, this award recognizes a sheriff’s VINE coordinator for exceptional dedication and commitment to the work of the VINE program.
Sheriff Colleen M. O’Neill Award
In 2022, the Sheriffs’ Institute Award’s Committee established the Sheriff Colleen M. O’Neill Award to be given in recognition of a female officer who has contributed to both the advancement of women in law enforcement and the advancement of the Office of Sheriff. Jefferson County Sheriff O’Neil is the first elected female Sheriff in New York State history.
Sheriff Grover Cleveland Award
Our most prestigious award, the Sheriff Grover Cleveland Award is named for the only sheriff to go on to serve as president of the United States. President Cleveland’s biographer Allen Nevins wrote: “in Grover Cleveland the greatness lies in the typical rather than unusual qualities…he possessed honesty, courage, firmness, independence and common sense. But he possessed them to a degree other men do not.” Only 7 sheriffs have received this honor. They are: former Saratoga County Sheriff James Bowen; former Livingston County Sheriff John York; former Onondaga County Sheriff Kevin Walsh; Yates County Sheriff Ron Spike, former Genesee County Sheriff Gary Maha; Ontario County Sheriff Philip Povero, and Broome County Sheriff Dave Harder.